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About Cannablast

Our Story

Dr. Ir. Ron J. Glas († 2019) devoted his entire working life, spanning close to four decades, to unravelling the complex mysteries of cannabis. For over 30 years, he actively pursued research in this field, with the sole objective of comprehending and decoding the remarkable mechanisms of this plant.

Through his tireless efforts, Ron J. Glas was able to identify, quantify, and qualify the strains and genetics of cannabis, amassing a collection of over 38,000 samples or fingerprints. He used these samples to conduct tests in relation to various medical conditions and illnesses, resulting in the creation of an impressive catalogue of formulations and their corresponding beneficial effects on a wide range of medical conditions.

Ron J. Glas wanted to get his message out and in order to do so, a dedicated team of people works closely together with specialised partners, universities and R&D organizations around the world in support of products, recipes and formulations that can achieve just that. 

Ronald Glas
Cannablast vape in fruit

Revolutionizing the cannabis experience

At Cannablast we aim to provide the best cannabis experience, offering users the highest quality products and a sense of enjoyment and fulfilment that enhances their lives. Our vape offers consistent and dependable effects, making it the ideal choice for both recreational and therapeutic users.

Founded on a commitment to quality, we use only the highest quality natural cannabinoids and terpenes without any additives such as nicotine, flavourings, or carrier oils. Our strict quality control ensures that our users can enjoy the benefits of our vape with complete confidence and peace of mind.

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